Third Man Books is excited to be in California on Oct 13 and Oct 15. Tuesday we'll be visiting one of America's most historical / influential bookstores: City Lights. Two days later we'll be in Los Angeles performing on the rooftop of the sleek and always artist friendly Downtown Ace Hotel. For these dates, we'll be featuring TMB's newest author Sampson Starkweather, whose PAIN: The Board Game hits the streets on Oct 13; TMB's first author Janaka Stucky, whose The Truth Is We Are Perfect is nearing its second pressing; and, poet/ jeweler Paige Taggart (Language Lessons, Want for Lion).

To top it off, we're very VERY excited to have Northern California artist Ginny Stanford also on the bill at City Lights for a very special reading of selected poems from Frank Stanford's Hidden Water. Icing on the cake, and so folks won't accuse us of being overly poet-centric, Los Angeles native Amelia Gray will join us Thursday at Ace Hotel to read stories from her incredible collection Gutshot.

Come hang out with us! Drinks will be served both nights. Free TMR/TMB tote bags will be on hand. And books, limited editions, and more books will be available for purchase.

AND DON’T FORGET THE TURNTABLES! Tuesday night DJ PETER MARAVELIS will be on the decks. Thursday the indomitable ZACH COWIE.

THIRD MAN BOOKS: Where your turntable's not dead and the page still turns.