So what’s new with the Rolling Record Store you ask?

Well, it’s hitting the road of course! The Rolling Record Store will be wheeling and dealing all over the USA this summer at festivals, record stores, national landmarks, concerts and lots more...
Here’s where we’ll be in the next couple of weeks with lots more stops to be added soon. Make sure you follow @ThirdManRRS on Twitter as it’s the best place for Rolling Record Store updates and shenanigans.

March 10th we’ll be at the Savannah Stopover in Savannah GA. A great festival with an awesome lineup including Nashville bands Pujol and The Turbo Fruits... More info on the Stopover here.

March 12th is Jack White’s show at WorkPlay Soundstage in Birmingham, AL. We’ll try to bring the Rolling Record Store to as many of Jack’s shows we can this year so stay tuned for more info on that coming up!

March 14-17 is SXSW and we will of course be there again. A full list of locations and info on exclusives for sale coming your way early next week!