The time is nigh for yet another exceptional installment of our Jack White-produced Blue Series of singles. Third Man is privileged to work with Melbourne, Australia’s very own Courtney Barnett, a sharp singer-songwriter-guitarist who has quickly made her mark on garage pop fans worldwide with her witty, self-deprecating, and authentic observations turned into raw, stream-of-consciousness lyrics and blunt melodies. The wry-and-dry songstress stopped by Third Man Studios in Nashville over a long weekend this summer to record a couple tracks and damn did she ever deliver. The A-side “Boxing Day Blues Revisited” is the slinky and bittersweet epilogue to “Boxing Day Blues," the somber closer from her album Sometimes I Sit and Think, and Sometimes I Just Sit. It’s a strangely catching, plaintive reflection on the loneliness that blossoms when a person you care about treats you like literal garbage. The track is jaunty yet aloof, with CB’s trademark conversational lyricism in perfect contrast to the B-side, a beautifully dark reboot of the Roland S. Howard-penned “Shivers” back from his days in The Boys Next Door. Barnett's unfastened delivery of an ironic tale of teenage love and mortality brings a new level of feeling to the song, making it a welcome addition to that Sounds of Late Fall mix you’ve been working on.

Keep your eyes open and ears peeled for this one ‘cause you ain’t gonna wanna miss it. It’ll be in the Third Man Store and records stores everywhere on October 16th, 2015, and now you can pre-order the 7” HERE and check out Shivers HERE: